The World According to Hayden
Saturday, September 23, 2006
What do you call an upside down grasshopper?

Hayden caught a grasshopper yesterday and of course put it in one of the 900 bug containers we have on our back porch.
He brought it in just a second ago and said…
“You know what, mom? All my grasshoppers always want to turn upside down. They always like doing that.”
I said…
“Ah man, I think your grasshopper is dead, Hayden. Why don’t you go dump him out in the back yard and go catch a new one!”
He says…
“No, it’s not dead, Mom. I read on a grasshopper blog that grasshoppers really like to just turn over backwards. That’s what they like a do.”
So I guess we’ll keep his dead grasshopper for a while.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Because it's Elephant Appreciation Day

I appreciate elephants because:
They are so bigThey have horns
They are on little Bill
Mama elephants get some water and put water on baby elephants
They are on Jeff Corwin
They have big ears
They have a tail And FOUR legs
They have a big back And big eyes And big bodies
They are in the circus
If I had an elephant I would name him zooey zoo.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Hayden's Take on the Soupus

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sunday night during the storm, Hayden woke up and came into our room.
He was crying.
He said, "Mama...I woke up and went to the bathroom, and the lightning hurt my feelings."
I think he meant it scared him. We let him sleep with us. We couldn't let him go back to bed with his feelings hurt.
Yesterday we dropped some books off at the library. Hayden said, “Mom, why do we call that thang the library?” I said, “I don’t know. It’s just it’s name.” He said, “Well, I think we should call it the bookquiet because they have books and they make you be quiet.” So, that’s what we are calling it from now on.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Oh Snap
Once upon a time they were an angry man. Then, he wanted to bite people. Even he wanted to bite, bite, bite, bite, bite people. He didn’t want to obey his mom. And even I will obey. And even he had a broken foot. He pulled the wack off. Then, it was covered in bleed and he liked that. Then, he was scary at people. He wanted to marker people. He wanted to put eyeballs on people. And even this other guy’s name was Anson. Then, there were another guy named Hayden. And Hayden tickled Anson and even he tickled right now! (Hayden starts tickling Anson). He wanted to stand on people. He wanted to stand on Anson right now. And, he wants to jump on people…like right now. And even he wants to kick people…right now. Then he wanted to punch people…right now. And even he putted a ball on people. Then it splode at people. Then, it was hanging in his super box. And even it was flying. And even when he was flying, and he grabbed a wash rag, and he was letting it pull and he letted go. And then he fell down. Then, he runned in to get Anson. Then, he said, “Oh snap.” Because he looked like he was going to punch some people. Then he looked like he was going to tickle people. And even there was a bear that was going to step on Anson…and a monkey was going to step on him and poop on him. Then, an elephant wanted to eat him. Right now. Then, he wanted to hook people up. Then he wanted to throw people with a key. And even he wanted to pull his ear off. Then, he wanted to pull his eyeball out. And even, he said, “Pizza, pizza, pizza, ya-ya-yeah, get your rock on.” And then he was skating with a skateboard and then he did a split.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Hayden's Letter C Story

Thursday, September 07, 2006
Letter Friends
Once upon a time they were a little boy named T. Then there was a friend called P. And his udder friend was named D. Then his other one was called A…and then a M. Then, they went to a tree house. He runned to his mom. His name was Rainbow Man. Rainbow Man was there. Rainbow Man bonked his head on a couch. Then his other friend was called:

and he was like, “I broke an eyeball.” An then he wooked like this (closes eyes and walks around like he is blind.) Then he fell over. Then he said, “Ble.” He threw up. Someone cut his head. Someone cut his flowers. And his dog was named Homey. And then the guy was sleeping. The T was sleeping. Then the number P was bad. Know why? Because he steals puppies. Then, he cut his puppy and put it in soup. Then a dinosaur ate him. Then the dog climbed out of his mouth and got back to his friend. Then, the person was trying to snow board. He twist and kick and put his knee up and looked like a ball roll. M and T were dead. Now someone turned P into happy, so P saved M and T’s life. He saved his life. Then, he made a new friend. It was another M friend. He bonked his head again. Then he threw up. Then he punched his head in the face. Then someone turned him into a kitty. He said, “meow, meow” and bonked his head with a screw driver. The End.

and he was like, “I broke an eyeball.” An then he wooked like this (closes eyes and walks around like he is blind.) Then he fell over. Then he said, “Ble.” He threw up. Someone cut his head. Someone cut his flowers. And his dog was named Homey. And then the guy was sleeping. The T was sleeping. Then the number P was bad. Know why? Because he steals puppies. Then, he cut his puppy and put it in soup. Then a dinosaur ate him. Then the dog climbed out of his mouth and got back to his friend. Then, the person was trying to snow board. He twist and kick and put his knee up and looked like a ball roll. M and T were dead. Now someone turned P into happy, so P saved M and T’s life. He saved his life. Then, he made a new friend. It was another M friend. He bonked his head again. Then he threw up. Then he punched his head in the face. Then someone turned him into a kitty. He said, “meow, meow” and bonked his head with a screw driver. The End.