The World According to Hayden: August 2006

The World According to Hayden

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Doodlebugs and Boo-boo-boo-boo-doodles

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This is my doodlebug song. Today I learned the letter mustache. (lots of laughing). I learned the letter D. D says du du du du du. Doodlebug starts with D. Dozen. Dumb Dad. I’m not going to say that. I’m just telling you. Dog. Dots. Dumb Barbarians.

Mom has been sick a long, long time. She takes water. She takes medicine. She feels not fine.
She is sick right now. She got some medicine from Dr. Rusty’s. She’s going to be the best. I pray for God to pray for mom to do her hard job. The End.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Brought to you by the letter M

Once upon a time there was an M and a motorcycle. Then, this guy was so happy. Then he goed and did this trick on his motorcycle. Then, he always jumped onto the table. When he was taking a nap and it was day time, he was going to get his skate board. He did the splits. Then, he put the skateboard in a garage sale. He was stuck. He was like a weirdo. Then he always goed and played the baseball game. When he always do that, he just don’t forget his tickets. Cause the guy will say, “Who gived you a ticket?” I hate tickets. Then he did this to that guy, Na, na, na, na, boo boo. Then there was a baby and when he touched the baby, the bad guy died. He got in a fire. He always did it again and again and again and again. He did it 100 times and 1000 times.

I learned the number M. I know a M song. Hello today sir, hello today sir, every day every day sir, every day, what do you do? Every day, M always takes a nap, yes sir, every day. Every day, every shade, every shadow, every shadow, SHADOW. Every body do the M dance, jump, jump, jump, jump, when you have a sick-a-sick-a day, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, what do you do? MOTORCYCLE!

M says Mu-Mu-Mu. The number M sneaked into the bedroom. He was going to tell his mom something. He was looking at her chair. He was a secret agent. Meow.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Brought to you by Freestyle and the Letter S

Once upon a time there was a snurfboard guy who doed this…

That was some free style.

That was a super clip.

That was a duper.

That was a split.

There was a snurfboarding race. The guy did a freestyle and there was a marching eyeball. They did a trick. Hayden winned. He was skating and snowboarding. Hayden jumped right on a guy’s neck and pulled him down. He pushed him down to the ground. Then, he did a super trick. He got a present. He got a gold medal and a trophy and 100 bucks and 100 money. A guy was going to knock into him, but Hayden punched him in the face. Then he did this (acts like a ninja), he grabbed him down, then he was squishing his neck…then he threw him in the trash. Then he was having a birthday party. Then he got his head punched. Then he was a scary monster. Then the scary monster kicked the bad guy out. He had a lot of comments. He kicked one out of the computer. Then, he had a band, like this (neer, neer, neer). Then he marched.

Today I learned S. S is for lettuce (no matter how many times I tell him lettuce does NOT start with S, he insists.). S is for super hero. S is for snake. S is for salad. S is for super, super, super. S is for super socks. M is for marching lips.