The Letter M is for Martian

This is about the three little martians.
Martians live on Mars.
The first little martian was named Macaroni and Cheese.
The second little martian was named Mushroom.
The third little martian was named Marshmallow.
The first little martian was going to his friend's house. And then the second little martian was there and then he was cutting some trees with his cutter, well, his knife. And then the third little martian was getting his sled and standing up and skating down the snow. And then he falled off and bonked his head on a tree. I don't know what came out of his head, because he doesn't have blood because he's a martian, but he was dead. He was weird because he was sledding and he didn't want to turn. He wanted to see if he could jump over that tree, but he crashed.
Then the second little martian bonked his head too. The first little martian bonked his head too. And then they were all dead.
The End.
I live on Earth in the Milky Way. Earth is the third planet.
The End.