Brought to you by Freestyle and the Letter S
Once upon a time there was a snurfboard guy who doed this…

That was some free style.

That was a super clip.

That was a split.
There was a snurfboarding race. The guy did a freestyle and there was a marching eyeball. They did a trick. Hayden winned. He was skating and snowboarding. Hayden jumped right on a guy’s neck and pulled him down. He pushed him down to the ground. Then, he did a super trick. He got a present. He got a gold medal and a trophy and 100 bucks and 100 money. A guy was going to knock into him, but Hayden punched him in the face. Then he did this (acts like a ninja), he grabbed him down, then he was squishing his neck…then he threw him in the trash. Then he was having a birthday party. Then he got his head punched. Then he was a scary monster. Then the scary monster kicked the bad guy out. He had a lot of comments. He kicked one out of the computer. Then, he had a band, like this (neer, neer, neer). Then he marched.
Today I learned S. S is for lettuce (no matter how many times I tell him lettuce does NOT start with S, he insists.). S is for super hero. S is for snake. S is for salad. S is for super, super, super. S is for super socks. M is for marching lips.
Today I learned S. S is for lettuce (no matter how many times I tell him lettuce does NOT start with S, he insists.). S is for super hero. S is for snake. S is for salad. S is for super, super, super. S is for super socks. M is for marching lips.
S is for lettuce
Lettuce is in salad
S is for Salad
distribute the S to the lettuce, so S must be for lettuce.
Makes perfect sense
How come I don't look that cool when I surf?????
that last blog post was so sweet and awesome i almost kicked myself in the head. i wanted to get my guitar and just start rocking and punching this comment clean out! neer na neer na neeeeer! you are like a ninja acrobat from outer space! if i had a hundred doller bill (dolla bills ya'll) i would give it to you.
S is for Lettuce...forever man.
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