Almost Married

Hayden said the funniest thing today when we got home from church. He came walking into the room where I was and said, in a very frustrated tone of voice...
"Mom, you will never believe this."
I said, "What?"
Hayden said, "Today, Reese did not know what we needed to do to get married."
At this moment, I could hardly wait to get to my next question, so I could hear Hayden's answer to it.
So, I said, "Did you tell her what you do if you want to get married?"
"NO! I couldn't figure it out either."
So...Mike and Ashley, I guess we have a little more time of them being least until someone lets them in on how you become married.
"Mom, you will never believe this."
I said, "What?"
Hayden said, "Today, Reese did not know what we needed to do to get married."
At this moment, I could hardly wait to get to my next question, so I could hear Hayden's answer to it.
So, I said, "Did you tell her what you do if you want to get married?"
"NO! I couldn't figure it out either."
So...Mike and Ashley, I guess we have a little more time of them being least until someone lets them in on how you become married.