The World According to Hayden: June 2006

The World According to Hayden

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Sick Boy

Once upon a time there was a sick boy. His name was Hayden. And the little boy he was sick. He had to go to the doctor. Someone gives him a shots. And this boy runned away and he bleeded. And when he bleeded his bones were almost breaking. And this guy throwed up. And this guy went to the hospital again. And this guy went to the hospital again and again and again and again and again. He got a lot of shots. He got one million shots. I think the hospital looks like a cucumber. And this guy throwed up again. And when he did that he went to home. And he said, "Mom, I'm sick." She checked his fever. And the end.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Hayden's Superpowers

Hayden came running into the kitchen and called us into the laundry room so that we could witness his amazing superpowers. Apparently he can make the refrigerator door close by just screaming at it or using his force. You have to see this to believe it!

Again with Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty went to town through a storm. He went in the river. He fell off a tree. The camera and the horse got pooed on and the guys had to touch them. He tee-teed on the guys. They said, “AHHHHH, AHHHH he put that on me!” He said, “Who put poop on me?” The horse did. And Humpty Dumpty went on the tree and fell all over the town. When he did that, he got that town all over the river. And he licked his self. And he jumped over the world. And he was dead. Then, he looked a like a star. He looked like a 2-mato. And he liked to eat peaches everyday. He got 100 dollars. He got to buy more stuff. 100 stuff. And he went old. The End.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Doogal Movie Review

Last night we eat candy and watched Doogal. My favorite part was the one where they killed bad guys. Those guys were killing the bad guys, the skeletons. We ated bear gums. The rabbit was my favorite person. He was doing karate and he beat those skeletons. I liked this movie. He needed to get the third dime (diamond) and when he got it, and it fell on the ground and he hit it on the thing, the thing will come back to life. The whole place will come back with the music. The dog's friend was sleeping. She wasn't dead.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Jesus Loves Me

this is an audio post - click to play

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Dinosaurs, Sonic and Tattoos

When I was born I played with my dinosaurs on the ground. Then I went to Sonic. Then I goed to the church. After that, I went to go to the play house. Once upon a time there was a tall, green dinosaur. It was a big dinosaur. The dinosaur went to go to church again and Sonic. Then what happened is he went to see some dinosaurs. Then he went home. He went to play on the play ground. The dinosaur’s name was Jonathan. He looked like this (scrunches face and shows his teeth). He had friends. They was turtle ones. One was named first, one was named second, then third. They played friends with balls. The dinosaur gets a guy and throws him in the grass. When he did that, he drawed on himself. Then, he went to sonic, like me. Like a tattoo. He got a cherry limeade and a tattoo. Then…that’s all.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Super Daddy!

I love him. I adore him. I love him. I adore him. He is very good. He’s my buddy. I love to play the x-box with daddy.

My Story About My Dad

Once upon a time there was a dad. He flushed down the toilet. There wasn’t water. There was dirt with june bugs in it. He flyed. He was Super Daddy and he throwed up. Then Super Hayden comes. He had a remote control sandwich guy. He and the Super Dad went to shoot bad guys. Super Daddy looked like green man. It was an army man. His face was like this (very serious with punching motions). Super Dad went on a sandwich rider. That’s all. The End.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

New Game

Hayden's new love is playing "Mark, paper, scissors." Anyone want to play?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Nanny McPhee Movie Review

Last night we watched a cool show called Nanny Fee. I didn't like it. The girl person with the magic stick told the boys to go to bed. I didn't like that part. All the persons were jumping on food and stirring food. They were saying, "Jumping, jumping, jumping." I loved the person who was Nanny Fee. She did magic things with her stick. She would turn stuff yellow. My favorite part was when those guys were getting on the salad and jumping. I think other peoples can watch it. The End.

Kirby and Charlie and David and Goliath

One upon a time there was a little boy, went to a park. He saw a tree and a horse and different kind of colors. After that, he went to a fun place called Chinese Food. After that, he gets to get four comics (Hayden means comments). After that, he gets to get three, ten comics. He had five little stones. One little stone went in a sling. And, David was small. I want Charlie to have a rope. I want Kirby to have a fire man. They played with all their friends at the cowboy race. Somebody losed. Guess what? Charlie and Kirby winned the race. Everyone else losed. They get popsicles. Everyone gets popsicles. This guy was on fire. He got them away. He was a cowboy. His eye had a “pie-chach” (Hayden means eye patch). He had an evil eye. He had ketchup. And, the end.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I'm a Boy! Not a Shirt!

I am going to try and put this hysterical story into words. If you are not laughing by the end, I will have failed.

Friday night, Hayden came into our room crying. He was SO SCARED he was shaking and could hardly speak. This was the second time Hayden had come into our room that night. The first time, he was upset about something, but Aaron was still working on the stage at the church...and I had taken some I don't really remember what the problem was...I just solved it by telling him he could sleep with me until Aaron got home. BAD DECISION for me. Hayden totally took advantage of me being under the influence of Benadryl. Even that wonderful medication could NOT drown out the fact that sleeping with Hayden is like sleeping with a team of River Dancers. It was insane. I mention that because even in his state of terror, putting him back in our bed was not going to happen.

So, Aaron takes Hayden back down to his room. Hayden is so upset. He can't even tell Aaron what the dream was about. Being the sweetest Daddy in the world (and succumbing to Hayden's other super power...he's so dang cute) Aaron decides to sleep with Hayden. This works out well since Aaron could sleep with River Dancers doing their routine ON his back.

The next morning, Hayden comes into the kitchen and the first thing he says to me is, "Mom, I had such a bad dream last night." He was already crying and needing me to hold him. I sat down, put him in my lap...and said, "I know, Hayden. I'm so sorry. What was your dream about?" He proceeds to tell me, with tears in his eyes, holding on tightly to me, lip quivering (obviously still very disturbed about his dream)...he says,

"I was taking off my shirt, and it got stuck on my head. I couldn't get it off. You couldn't see my head no more. And then, this person walked by me. He didn't know I was a boy. He thought I was a shirt. So, he picked me up and put me in a bag. And he ZIPPED ME UP."

That's when he started crying.

I held him tight to my he wouldn't see me trying not to laugh.

Not even his nightmares are normal.