The World According to Hayden

The World According to Hayden

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Weird Day

There was a fat boy. He tried to swim, but the lifeguard had to save him because he was too fat and drowned. Then he put on his blue Crocs. He rode his bicycle home. He got his brown wallet in the kitchen, and he got a strawberry snowcone because he didn't have enough money to buy a chocolate chip one. But he spilled and he cried out big fat tears and then put on his sunglasses. Ten he bought some icrecream, but a giant bought a bigger icecream with M and M's. So the fat boy went home. It was a beautiful day. The birds were chirping and the sky was blue. The boy had some fun by himself. He was sweaty and he as so tan. He slept in. He was hot and he put on his guitar muscle shirt. The fat boy relaxed on his bed. It was a dry day. He had watermelon for breakfast. He went on a vacation and went to put on his shorts. Eighty years later he died.

The End.

Sunday, November 02, 2008


Q.What would you have for your pet?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Zoo Trip

I went to the zoo on Monday and it was October. It was Monday the thirteenth. My friends liked it too. I saw a frog. It was slimy. It even hopped! I saw a furry otter. It was swimming. I saw a tiger! It was spotted. It roared! I saw a lizard. It was green. It was climbing. I saw a slithering snake. It had scales. I saw a bear. It was sleepy. It pooped. It was a beautiful day. I got an idog on the way back from Burger King. We ate there. It was cool. All of my friends ran down this one bridge, and we thought there would be animals. No! There were nothin. So, we had to run back up and tell everyone that there was nothin. We got a rainbow Popsicle. We getted to play at the park at the zoo. My favorite part of the zoo was the otters...and almost everything.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The fish and the dolphin

Once upon a time there were a fish and a dolphin. The fish's name was Fred. The dolphin's name was Crib. The fish went on the very bottom of the sea. All fish have backbones, cause they are a vertebrate. They lay eggs. They have scales. On their skin, the gills look like cuts. Fred went in a blue coral reef to camouflage because his color was blue. But, a pelican came by and almost ate the fish, but the dolphin sanked him down on the very bottom of the ocean and the bird got away. But, the dolphin couldn't get him anymore. A dolphin has a backbone. It's a mammal. Crib told Fred that they would be best buddies forever. The pelican flew by, but he dropped one of his feathers. And the fish gobbled, gobbled it up. Then, a dog was swimming. The dog ate up the fish. And then another fish hatched. A crab was in the water and it snatched the fish's fin. The fish said, "Ouch" then an eel came by and gobbled the crab up. It actually was a shark. The fish swam to the bottom of the sea. Then he ran to the blue coral reef again, but the dolphin came down and pushed him away. A boat came. Then they caught the fish but the fish was swiping in the boat, and whacked one of the persons in the face. They threw it back in the water and caught another fish. There were 500 google left. The perch was dead. A big dolphin blew and hit one of the pilots in the water. It went on the bottom of the boat and threw it upside down, and they all drown. A shark came and gobbled them up. Then an airplane came and the dolphin found a tank, a huge tank, so they fit all their body in and then they turned into turtles. But, they kept their same names. They ate hamburgers at a restaurant. The End

Friday, September 26, 2008

A crocodile and a turtle

Once upon a time there were a turtle just running around. The crocodile said, "Get out of my house." But the turtle said, "No." And the crocodile said, "Yes." But then the crocodile chased the turtle. He got out. He was sad. The turtle was walking to a hide in the Nile because the crocodile lived in the Red Sea. The turtle swam down the Nile and he saw pyramids and pharaohs and fishies swimming with him. He saw mummies because he went in the pyramid. He was scared. He looked the other way and there was a sarcophagus and he jumped away and was like, "AAAHHH!" Then the lid opened on an accident. He got even more scared. The pharaoh saw the turtle get in the pyramid. So, the pharaoh ran and ran and his name was King Tut. He said, "Move it! Get out of here." He threw him all the way back to the Red Sea. The crocodile saw him land in the water, so he chased him even faster, and the turtle had to swim faster! The turtle went back home for a nice day and played video games. The turtle had the Wii Fit. Then when the crocodile was asleep in the dark time, the turtle was really quiet and tried not to step on any leaves. He went for a swim in the Nile and the Red Sea where people can't see them. When he got in the water, he slipped and the crocodile woke up and he was MAD! He saw a claw fall off so it was floating and he saw it and thought that turtle was in the water, so he ran and ran and looked for him, but the turtle was at home listening to his ipod. Tomorrow, in the mail he got 1000 bucks, wait a hundred thousand bucks and then he went home and then he got out of his house and went sneaky because the crocodile had 500 million google dollars, so he sneaked up and got the mail and ripped it apart and got all the money and went back home. There were a big giant squid that squished and got him, but he didn't die. He bit the squid, and the squid said, "Don't bite me anymore. I'm not going to hold you anymore because you're way too strong." His friends came over and played video games with him. It was awesome. The turtle was happy. The End.

Friday, September 19, 2008

If I were a Pharoah

If I was a Pharaoh I would tell my people to go to North America and get me a lizard. Then, when they are on the continent, Africa, I'll call them again and tell them to get me every animal in the world. If they don't I will boil them and make them into a mummy and take their brains out, and put it in a pyramid...a wooden pyramid where they couldn't get out. Then I will never feed them ever again because they disobeyed me and they are crazy.

If I was a Pharaoh, I would tell my people to go to North America and go to whatever store has clothes, and then when they are there, I'll call them back, and tell them "Give me a black shirt, and two pairs of green pants, and 25 pairs of shoes. And, give me a golden earring...wait...two of them...and get me a silver and gold hat." I'm going to tell them to buy some makeup and put it on their own face, because I'm not wearing that.

Then, I will type on my computer, around the world that my servants, my people, have make up on right now. Then, I will make them find gold in Egypt. Then, I'll tell them to go ask a police man can I have their car. Then, if the police says no, I will throw them in the wooden pyramid also.

The End

Friday, September 12, 2008

i was in spase

I was in a shuttle. I landed in mercury and it takes 88 days to go around the sun. Then I landed in Venus. The clouds block Venus and Venus is really shiny because the sun shines at the clouds and makes it very shiny. Then I landed in Earth. It was really beautiful. It takes a year to revolve and a day to go around. Then I landed in Mars. The nickname is the red planet. Then asteroids were coming after me. I landed on Jupiter when I got past them. It's the biggest planet in the world. Then I landed in Saturn. It's really colorful. There are rings. Then I landed on Uranus. It had faint rings. Then I landed in Neptune. It was awesome. It is blue. Then I landed in Pluto. It's the coldest planet in the world. If you take your helmet off, your head will be frozen. Don't ever take your hat off, or you'll almost die. Then I flew back home where I live. And then I told my mom I went to space. The End.